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Rehabilitation Dataset Directory: Dataset Profile

Dataset: Wheelchair Use and Services in Kenya and Philippines, 2014-2015 ()

Basic Information
Dataset Full Name Wheelchair Use and Services in Kenya and Philippines, 2014-2015
Dataset Acronym

The Wheelchair Use and Services study surveyed a total of 852 adult basic manual wheelchair users in Kenya and PhilippinesThe objective was to examine whether wheelchair service receipt is associated with successful wheelchair use among adult, basic manual wheelchair users in less resourced settings. The sample was of wheelchair users and included equal numbers of those who had received services and those who had not received services from wheelchair-distribution entities. Wheelchair-use-related outcomes assessed included daily wheelchair use, falls, unassisted outdoor use and performance of activities of daily living (ADL).

Key Terms

Wheelchair, Wheelchair services/maintenance/repair, Assistive technology, Household wealth, Income, Mobility, Social participation, Employment, Vocational training, Return to work, Caregiver

Study Design Cross-Sectional
Data Type(s) Survey
Sponsoring Agency/Entity

United States Agency for International Development

Health Conditions/Disability Measures
Health Condition(s)

Arthritis, Amputation, Congenital conditions, Polio, Spinal cord injury (SCI), Stroke, Pressure sores

Disability Measures

Ambulatory disability, Special equipment use/assistive technology (manual wheelchair) , Activities of Daily Living (ADLs)

Measures/Outcomes of Interest
  • Wheelchair use
  • Wheelchair type
  • Number of wheelchairs used over life & past 5 years
  • Wheelchair satisfaction 
  • Wheelchair assessment/fitting, training
  • Wheelchair maintenance, training & repair 
  • Wheelchair comfort
  • Falls & accidents
  • Peer group training
  • Household composition 
  • Housing facilities (bathroom, kitchen amenities, floor coverings etc.)
Sample Population

Households, Adult users of manual, basic wheelchairs

In Kenya, potential participants were drawn from organizational lists provided by (1) wheelchair-providing organizations such as faith- based organizations, NGOs, community-based organizations, and government hospitals; (2) organizations such as DPOs and schools whose members use wheelchairs; and (3) snowball sampling. 

In the Philippines, potential participants were drawn from lists provided by local government units (LGUs), who maintain lists of wheelchair users and provide wheelchairs directly to their citizens. Lists were also provided by a major wheelchair-distribution charity and by a NGO where wheelchair users live and work. Snowball sampling was also employed.

Sample Size/Notes

Total n=872

  • Kenya n=440 
  • Philippines n=432 

Response rates: 

  • Kenya 27%
  • Philippines 29% 
Unit of Observation





Philippines, Kenya, Philippines

Geographic Coverage

Kenya, Philippines

Geographic Specificity


Special Population(s)

Wheelchair users

Data Collection
Data Collection Mode

 Computer assisted personal interviews (CAPI)

Years Collected


Data Collection Frequency


Strengths and Limitations
  • Comprehensive information about wheelchair use and assistive device
  • Wheelchair user demographics/characteristics
  • Wheelchair use and services/repair information 
  • ADLs and social participation measures
  • Includes household and local neighborhood information 
  • Sampling was not representative limiting generalizability 
  • No objective measurements, self-reported information only.
  • Several outcome measures used cannot be directly compared with other studies, but are tailored to the Philippine and Kenyan population.
  • Low response rates.
Data Details
Primary Website


Data Access


Data Access Requirements

Data Use agreement, no cost 

Summary Tables/Reports

Descriptive statistics available in codebook and PI documentation/paper.

Both available for download under "Study level files" here:


Data Components
  • Kenya data
  • Philippines data
  • Kenya & Philippines (combined data)
Similar/Related Dataset(s)

ACCESSWheelchair Provision and Disability Inclusion Project, El Salvador, India,Kenya, Nicaragua, Romania, 2014-2017

Impact of WHO's 8-step Wheelchair Service Provision in Indonesia, 2013-2014

Selected Papers
Other Papers

Data related publications:


Wheelchair services and use outcomes: A cross-sectional survey in Kenya and the Philippines:



Documentation available here:


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The Rehabilitation Research Cross-dataset Variable Catalog has been developed through the Center for Large Data Research & Data Sharing in Rehabilitation (CLDR). The Center for Large Data Research and Data Sharing in Rehabilitation involves a consortium of investigators from the University of Texas Medical Branch, Cornell University's Yang Tan Institute (YTI), and the University of Michigan. The CLDR is funded by NIH - National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, through the National Center for Medical Rehabilitation Research, the National Institute for Neurological Disorders and Stroke, and the National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering. (P2CHD065702).

Other CLDR supported resources and collaborative opportunities:

Acknowledgements: This tool was developed through the efforts of William Erickson and Arun Karpur, and web designers Jason Criss and Jeff Trondsen at Cornell University. Many thanks to graduate students Kyoung Jo Oh and Yeong Joon Yoon who developed much of the content used in this tool.

For questions or comments please contact disabilitystatistics@cornell.edu